
The Creative Healing Arts Center (CHAC) exists to provide a place of healing for individual visitors and create harmony on this planet and beyond.  If this spiritual work speaks to you, support the Creative Healing Arts Center.  There are many ways to provide support.  A few are listed below:

Capital Funding – In this early phase of operation, the Creative Healing Arts Center requires donations to help with the initial needs of establishing an operating budget. As well there are opportunities to share in the ownership of this 433 acre ranch property, please inquire if interested!

Educational Programs – Consider supporting specific educational programs such as: land, water, and wildlife conservation; sustainable architecture and building methods; gaining an awareness of energetic exchange between humans and Mother Earth; lecture series; and a variety of creative arts programming.

Ranch Restoration Programs:

  1. Water Conservation Program – this is an important program to the long term growth an development of the natural resources on the ranch – I am currently trying to raise $750 to buy piping to get water from the large spring to the pond.
  2. Mountain Grass Establishment Program – this program has great potential to increase food supplies for wildlife and can be easily implemented – the sage has been cleared and I need to raise $500 for mountain grass seed to plant the 2 x 2.5 acre test plots.
  3. Restoration of Ranch Buildings Program – any donation can immediately be applied to the restoration of ranch buildings. I’m currently trying to raise $5000 to remodel the “Hoot Owl” cabin, so visitors can have a place to stay.

Tools and Equipment Wish List:

  1. Tractor with a front end blade, bucket, disk, plow, post hole digger, back hoe, trencher
  2. Small dozer in good maintenance working order
  3. RV’s or camper trailers
  4. Generators
  5. Power tools – screw guns, nail guns, chain saw, sawsall, cement mixer
  6. Trailers to haul implements or animals
  7. Trucks – all types of pickups, 4-wheel drive pickups, and larger trucks for hauling
  8. Snow removing 4-wheel drive truck or tractor w/ a cab and grader blades
  9. Solar panels, arrays, batteries and inverters
  10. Water holding tanks

Volunteers – Perhaps you are an experienced builder, architect or educator and are interested in sharing your professional knowledge.  Please contact us for various volunteer opportunities.