Exciting News

I received some exciting news earlier this week that a proposal I had submitted to the Partners Program of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service had been accepted. This means there will more programs moving forward on the ranch this Spring. These programs will be centered around creating more habitat for wildlife and will coincide with the programs I have already started resulting in more work on the springs, ponds, sage removal and grass establishment. As well there is a rare plant (Small-headed goldenweed) that has been identified growing in the local area and we are hoping to find it on the ranch, and protect and propagate it there. All in all this is very affirming to me because I feel myself being supported in multiple ways getting the vision of the Creative Healing Arts Center more alive and into action.

I also wanted to thank Monique DiGiorgio for helping me in put together the proposal. She has proved to be a wealth of knowledge and information and is one of the reasons I am feeling more supported these days. Monique will be adding her voice to the blog as we do a better job keeping you guys informed of activities going on with the ranch and the Creative Healing Arts Center. Welcome Monique!




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