
Thanksgiving is a time of great reflection for me as I have returned home to Kentucky. Below is a post about Thanksgiving and gratitude, which is what the Creative Healing Arts Center is all about.

“As I sit in my father’s old leather chair, I reflect about Kentucky, family and Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for the gifts of creativity, writing, friendships and the long winding road of life. There could be hints of longing for the past and what was, there are definitely whimsical moments of appreciation for a truly magical childhood and life! I think about my journey with country music playing softly in the background, I remember the days when I could not listen to this kind of music. I think about my father, we are approaching the six year anniversary of his passing – a couple of days after Thanksgiving. I look across the living room to his beautiful collection of arrowheads. I think about the Chickasaw Indians who walked these hills hundreds of years ago and I feel into their journey as they were led off of this land in a trail of tears all the way to Oklahoma. As I sit here writing my mom returns home from an early morning visit to her hair dresser. I see the contented look on her face as she looks at me reclining in the old leather chair. I smile back at her admiring the strength she exudes as she maintains the family farm here in Western KY. This is her home. She has no desire to go live in the city or in a foreign land and I don’t blame her. This is her home and no matter how busy I live my life I can return home more often to visit with her and sit in this old leather chair. Life is good and I am so thankful for my family. Love to you all! David”

The Creative Healing Arts Center (CHAC) is a reflection and dedication to all the forces that have contributed to my life. I owe the Mother Earth something for all she has provided me. I have been given opportunities to go places and see and do things that not everyone has had a chance to experience. I have been taught my whole life about the importance of the relationship of gratitude for all the experiences brought to me. The CHAC is the application and demonstration of these life long lessons. It is true, I have been reluctant, in my seeming requirement from the Universe, of helping humans. There have been many reasons for this and most of all because I am from the country, from the land and it has been easy for me to trust the natural world. Much of my healing has been to learn to trust people more and to deepen my faith that we are all connected in ways we may never even realize. The CHAC is a place for integration, understanding and healing for the natural world, humans and myself. Even the way the purchase of this ranch land came together has increased my faith that this project is not for me to take on alone. No, this project is for us. You and me. If you have interest to become involved read the VISION page. Feel into the mission. Go to the DONATE page, if you can give something do so. It will be met with great appreciation and communication. If financial resources are not available to you at this moment, let me know about your ability to volunteer. Once we have established an operating budget and get a small staff in place, I will create projects where you can volunteer time and expertise in orchestrating the vision. Thank you! David

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